Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses related to both the justification of the Russian model of personnel motivation, taking into account international experience. The urgency of solving this problem in modern Russian conditions has been substantiated. The main goal of the formation of a motivation model for Russian organizations is formulated - ensuring the achievement of the organization's goals by attracting and retaining professionally trained personnel and, above all, through effective, strong and sustainable motivation, formed on the basis of complex incentives, which is the subject of interest for all groups of the organization's personnel. The reasons are disclosed that prevent a change in the traditional approach to personnel motivation in Russian organizations, the main among which are: the adherence of Russian companies to traditional methods of incentives and other organization management technologies, as well as the economic situation in the country and the resulting needs of workers in Russia. The characteristics of the main foreign models of motivation, including Japanese, American, French, English, German and Swedish models, are given. The comparison of these models with the Russian ones is carried out and the prospects for their adaptation and use in the Russian practice of personnel motivation and incentives are substantiated.

staff, motivation, incentives, motivation model, foreign experience, material and non-material motivation, reward

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