. Potential application of traditional and stochastic methods in assessment of parameters of complex biosystem – complexity is presented. Their amplitude-frequency characteristics, autocorrelation functions A(t), Lyapunov exponents, statistical distribution function f(x) constantly change. In spite of such chaotic dynamics in recorded parameters of tremor, tapping, cardiograms, myograms and other parameters of homeostasis, an order in the dynamics of these processes can be observed. The order is revealed in a change of numbers of sample overlaps that are obtained as a result of some processes. Owing to all the stochastic characteristics constantly change, calculation method for statistical distribution functions with repetitions of identical experimental sets is proposed. In this case, number of sample overlaps (their belonging to the same general population) will numerically present the transition mechanism to order out of chaos or the variation of chaos degree in movement formation and electrobiological muscular activity. The current work shows some typical examples of different physiological human states presented in a form of matrices of paired comparison.
homeostasis, quasiattractor, tremor, tapping
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