Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Advances in molecular biology and biophysics (at molecular-cellular level) do not contribute to understanding of life phenomena. Achievements of synergetics (H. Haken) and complexity theory (I. Prigogine) have intensified differences between physical-chemical understandings of life and systemic understandings. In addition to that, the systems approach provides the understanding of effects of living objects and especially its more organized and evolving part – human and humanity. Human-scaled systems possess the unique property – continuous and chaotic movement of many components of a system state vector x= x(t). Taking this property into consideration causes the denial of any known types of stationary nodes (for example, dx/dt=0) and requires reconsideration of concept of chaos. A novel approach for understanding of living systems (as the third paradigm of natural science) and novel methods of studying of living systems (as theory of chaos and self-organization) are proposed by the third paradigm and theory of chaos and self-organization.

biological dynamic systems, phase space of states, theory of chaos and self-organization.

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