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Abstract (English):
The article is connected with the main methods of the domestic tourist destination marketing strategy forming for realization it at the domestic and world markets. It’s materials shows a global characteristics of the tourists market and it’s influence at the Russian destination promotion and the position conditions. The tourist destination position and promotion system is represented as an action direction with a common conceptual line, connected with each other. Product placement, tourist’s call-centers, QR-code technology, national tourist offices, internet-promotion content and TV-content, polygraph content of different format, polylinguistic SMART-application are represented as the strategic marketing actions realization tools with direct or aid return connection. The article tells us about the marketing destination strategy forming and realization in Russia problem revealing. Of course, the marketing destination strategy has to be developed in the context of the national tourist product promoting federal measures. The article contents the federal marketing strategy formation principles. Moreover, it is mentioned a low expenses methods of positioning and promoting. More in the article was scrutinized the tradition and proactive content-marketing methods. It’s determined the purposes consumer audience studies aimed on the directions determination of the search optimization, priorities within the tourist SMART-applications and mobile navigation systems development. The article contents the marketing strategy destination typical structure with step-by-step plan of forming and implementation.

tourist destination, marketing strategy, content marketing and its tools

Формирование маркетинговой стратегии туристской дестинаций является неотъемлемой частью процесса стратегического управления в сфере туризма. Маркетинг дестинаций представляет собой один из возможных ответов локальных туристских территорий на вызовы процесса глобализации, условное «стирание» границ между странами и формирование единого международного туристского пространства.


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