employee from 01.01.1988 to 01.01.2020
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Frankfurt-na-Mayne, Germany
Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet ( docent)
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
UDK 33 Экономика. Экономические науки
GRNTI 06.58 Воспроизводственная структура экономики. Накопление и потребление. Благосостояние
OKSO 38.06.01 Экономика
BBK 65 Экономика. Экономические науки
TBK 7711 Общая экономическая теория
BISAC BUS069030 Economics / Theory
The information base of the study was the works of economists in the field of the theory of consumer demand. The article is devoted to the influence of consumer demand on the dynamics of the national economy. The hypothesis of the study is the assumption of increasing influence of Keynesian-institutional factors on the development of the Russian economy. In this study, the authors apply a Keynesian approach to the analysis of the Russian economy, based on the premise that consumer demand, which is the most significant component, is a key factor in macroeconomic dynamics. The discussion on the impact of consumer demand on the dynamics of the national economy continues. The article examines the evolution of scientific approaches related to the theory of consumption and consumer demand of households, their formation at the microeconomic level and the transition to the macroeconomic level. The analysis of the dynamics of consumer demand of households, the relationship of the dynamics of income and expenditure of the population with the composite index of consumer confidence is presented. Consumers expectations regarding the pandemic had a negative impact on consumer confidence and consumer demand in 2020 dynamics of consumer demand in the Russian economy in modern conditions shows an unstable trend. There is a drop in consumer demand, a decline in the level of savings and a drop in the index of consumer confidence of households. The results of the study can be used as guidelines for the state's economic policy aimed at stabilizing the national economy. The directions of future research are related to the study of the role of Keynesian-institutional factors in the development of the national economy, their impact on microeconomic and macroeconomic dynamics.
consumer expectations, consumption theory, consumer demand, aggregate demand structure, microeconomics, macroeconomics, macroeconomic dynamics, composite consumer confidence index, Keynesian-institutional factors, stabilization of the national economy
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