Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The modern economic conditions want the state and business to improve the effective economy function activities. So, one of the main directions became the state-private partnership. The article is regarding the historical aspect of the managing system in the tourism industry, showing the connection models between the managing subjects in this sphere. The author tried to form a model of relationships, based on the partnership in the tourism sphere. The article tells us about the state and tourists associations as the tourist business representative interaction; it reveals the fundamental tasks and basis for tourist associations creating. The article contents the analysis of the tourism management in Kabardino-Balkar Republic, shows the successful interaction subjects examples, mentions the main tourism industry problems in republic, as well as tells us about this region tourist market association inquiry. It reflects the expert evaluation results, connected with the service supplier and customer interaction and cooperation. Also in the article is determined the state-private partnership role in the tourism as an opportunity of the joint developing of the legal regulation in tourism industry, on contributing to its sustainable development. This fact is important due to high social tourism status, on creating the new working places and stimulating the economic growth. In the article is mentioned the main imperfections of the state tourism management in Russia, like: the vague conditions and mechanisms of the state-private partnership in tourism sphere; lack of principles elaboration of the state-private partnership; lack of information security management decisions organizational foundations.

communication, effective interaction, decision-making, tourism industry, the subjects of managing

Анализ исторических воплощений видов систем управления в туристской отрасли позволил сформулировать три модели взаимодействий субъектов, организующих оказание туристских услуг:

1) односторонне направленная система, характеризующаяся воздействием одного из субъектов туристской отрасли, в частности, государства, на других;

2) двусторонне направленная асимметричная система, характеризующаяся взаимодействием двух факторов, в частности, государства и бизнес-организаций, для достижения общих целей с учетом интересов друг друга при отсутствии согласования интересов со стороны третьего (потребителей);

3) двусторонне направленная симметричная система, характеризующаяся взаимодействием потребителей услуг, органов власти, субъектов туристской деятельности в процессе достижения общих целей с учетом интересов друг друга.


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