The tourism effective management system creating is one of the most urgent tourism development problems. The tourism sphere scientific study as well as the factors affecting on its operation and development management is an important part of the condition and quality of social life study. In connection with the tourism development in different regions of the world, including in Russia, the interest in finding effectively management ways is increasing, at the one hand, from the tourist organizations management, and at the other hand, from the public authorities. It allows us to identify and to avoid the tourist infrastructure lacks, to increase the tourist regions fame and recognition, to put in order the tourist market. One of the most important functions in tourist management is tourist region marketing. The article describes the features of control systems in tourism. Moreover, it describes the importance of tourism and its positioning, effective management methods. State tourism management faces with the challenge of evaluating the effectiveness of this activity. The federal and regional programs set the economic indicators expected results. The social indicators tourism developing problem requires the science basis and practice technology implementation. In this article it is proved the growing role of management system as a tourism developing and functioning factor, as well as the managing system as a mechanism of management effectiveness providing. The article contents the functions analysis, which are performed by subjects of external management (public authorities), as well as by subjects of internal management (professional management and self-management at the producer level tourist services), and self-management customers. Based on communications systems and management decision-making, in the article are underlined three types of control systems in tourism: centralized, partially decentralized, decentralized. Also it is proved the partly- decentralized management system has to be the most acceptable for the modern Russian tourism.
management subjects interactions types, system types, tourism management system
Интенсивное развитие туристской отрасли на рубеже двух тысячелетий превратило ее в прибыльную индустрию производства многообразных услуг для удовлетворения потребностей людей в познании, комфорте, безопасности, отдыхе, что превратило туризм в сферу массового потребления.
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