The article contents the brief results of an Yaroslavl area regional tourist product study at the media and similar sources informing position, it’s perception of potential and real consumers. The research was carried out in two directions: a publications content analysis and Internet users pool. According to the tourist service consumers, the purposes of content analysis was to create the Yaroslavl region sites and collective accommodation facilities rating, as well as to determinate the main factors of tourism development restraining and the favorable perception of the Yaroslavl region as a tourist area reducing Web-pool was aimed at determining the tourist trips frequency, including the Russian Federation territory; identifying consumer preferences by type of recreation; identify the most popular tourist interest areas for different age groups; identification of the most popular information on tour objects sources; determination the reasons of consumers choice of one or another travel company; consumer requirements for infrastructural components of tourism products definition. The special attention was paid to the issues: what is laid in the basis of various age categories tourists experience formation. The article has the Yaroslavl region tourism development strategy prospects, in accordance with the social-economic development strategy/ More it contents the proposals on the regional tourism service system sphere formation.
regional tourism product, Yaroslavl region, survey, content-analysis, consumer preferences, sites rating and collective accommodation facilities
Региональный туристский продукт можно трактовать как совокупность имеющихся природных, климатических, культурных и историко-архитектурных ресурсов, привлекаемых и используемых в туристской деятельности, туристской и сопутствующей инфраструктуры, а также деятельности туристских предприятий, выраженная в создании, продвижении и реализации конкретных рыночных предложений, направленных на привлечение туристов.
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