Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A significant role of the banking system in ensuring the functioning of the entire economy, by means of organizing the movement of borrowed capital between individual industries and the implementation of financial needs is achieved only if this system, and therefore its constituent elements, are stable. In this regard, the stability of the banking system should be considered as a fundamental internal characteristic, which ensures the existence and stable development of the Bank in a market economy under the influence of external and internal factors. In 2020, commercial banks were faced with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Russian economy and the banking system in particular. At the same time, the current situation of banks ' functioning is characterized not only by the presence of a corona crisis, but also by the internal development of the system itself, which, following the uberization of the world economy, dictates to commercial banks the need to develop and implement financial technologies and form ecosystems. In these conditions, the need for commercial banks in financial resources increases, which is reflected in the increasing role of profit in the Bank's activities and development. This article focuses on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the banking system of the Russian Federation and the economy as a whole, and also identifies the features of profit formation and the specifics of the functioning of commercial banks in the coronavirus crisis period.

profit, crown crisis, commercial Bank, income, expenses, key rate, GDP

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