Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In connection with the 75th anniversary of the nuclear industry, quite large-scale events were planned, including the XI-th Russian scientific conference «Radiation protection and radiation safety in nuclear technologies». At this conference, as well as at a number of other events, it was planned to make a report on the radiation impact on personnel at different times of the creation and development of the main facilities of the country’s nuclear industry. A report was prepared, in which first an attempt was made to analyze the radiation impact on the personnel of the main nuclear and radiation-hazardous facilities of the nuclear industry in the historical context, given the past over the years, significant organizational and structural changes and to assess progress in the field of radiation protection of personnel during its 75 years of existence of industry of Russia (USSR). Recent events have made certain adjustments to the plans for the anniversary events, however, the publication of historical data on personnel exposure to these materials seems relevant. This article is a logical continuation of the publication «Evolution of the radiation safety system of the country’s nuclear industry and its current state» [1], which provided information about the formation and transformations that have occurred in the domestic nuclear industry over 70 years, the evolution of the radiation safety system, the current state of radiation safety in the industry, as well as current issues of regulatory and methodological support for radiation control at industry enterprises. In this publication, on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the industry, an attempt is made to assess the radiation impact on the personnel of the main nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities of the nuclear industry in different periods of their activity.

75th anniversary of the nuclear industry, radiation impact on the personnel of the main nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities, dynamics of average annual doses of personnel of the main production facilities of the industry, application of the principle of optimization of radiation protection in the industry based on the system of professional radiation risk assessment ARMIR

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