Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the analysis of historical-cultural conditions, which contributed to the development of the tourist brand «Izhevsk — the forging arms capital of Russia». It looks at the history of arms production in Izhevsk, which is two centuries old and dates back to 1807, when the f rst ordnance plant was built. It is shown, that Izhevsk was one of the major centers of f re arms and cold steel production already in pre-Soviet Russia. In Soviet times, after the reconstruction in the 1930s, the production scale expanded signif cantly. During the Great Patriotic War, when defense plants from the west of Russia, had been evacuated to Izhevsk, the city actually became the «forging arms capital of Russia». In post-war period Izhevsk machine-building plant became the center for production of the legendary AK-47 and other types of small arms, and also sporting and hunting guns. In 2013 the Kalashnikov Concern was founded on the base of the research-and-production association Izhevsk machine-building plant. Legendary design engineer M.T. Kalashnikov made an invaluable contribution to the development of arms production traditions in Izhevsk, having made Izhevsk guns world famous. The article looks at historical and modern objects, that are of great tourist importance, and which characterize Izhevsk as the forging arms capital. These objects are: the main building of Izhevsk ordnance plant, the monument to Deryabin (the founder of Izhevsk ordnance plant), Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the Arsenal Building, the Izmash plant museum, the Kalashnikov Museum — Exhibition Complex of small arms. It is shown, that the brand «Izhevsk — the forging arms capital of Russia» has high potential to promote Izhevsk as a tourist region on both Russian and International levels.

tourist brand, Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, development of inbound and outbound tourism, history of arms production, M.T. Kalashnikov, historical and cultural monuments in Izhevsk, Izhevsk museums.

В современных условиях формирование туристского бренда — одна из основополагающих задач для большинства российских территорий, стремящихся развивать внутренний и въездной туризм. К их числу относится Удмуртия — регион, в течение длительного времени считавшийся закрытым в силу оборонной специализации большинства предприятий, концентрирующихся как в столице республике — Ижевске, так и в других городах и населенных пунктах. Несомненно, этот факт сыграл определяющую роль в ситуации, когда Удмуртская Республика имеет сложившийся имидж «нетуристcкой» территории.




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