The article gives the justification of the personified approach to diagnostics, prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome among inhabitants of Khakassia. The article reveals additional data confirming the phenomenon of a population dimorphism of metabolic syndrome referring to a complex clinical laboratory examination of two ethnic populations living in Khakassia – Khakas who represent the indigenous people originating from Mongoloids and non-indigenous population (Caucasians). The authors demonstrate statistically and clinically significant differences in the frequency of their occurrence and intensity of separate symptoms and cardiovascular complica-tions of metabolic syndrome. It is shown that indigenous people suffering from metabolic syndrome have less intensive visceral obesity in comparison with non-indigenous population. Multiagent metabolic syndrome is estab-lished to prevail among both indigenous and non-indigenous people. The combination of only two agents is consi-derably rarer among Khakas with metabolic syndrome than among non-indigenous inhabitants with this disease. The ultrasonic examination of carotids proves that Khakas suffering from metabolic syndrome have more intensive thickening of intima-media in comparison with the non-indigenous, with less intensive visceral obesity among Khakas. Visceral obesity of Khakas associates with high risk of intima-media thickening (OR=2,95).
metabolic syndrome, intima-media, ultrasonic examination, Khakas, population dimorphism.
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