Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common cancers in men and the actual problem of modern oncology. Based on the results of worldwide research, the expected number of patients with prostate cancer in the city of Voronezh and the Voronezh region was calculated. This calculation shows, how the volume of patients requiring medical intervention, will have to face health care, not only in the Voronezh region, but in other regions of the Russian Federation. Existing health care system, where the systematic and standardized approaches to medical care didn’t available, calls into question the successful implementation undoubtedly important and necessary screening. The way out of this situation is to create a system based on the existing urological care to the population of the Voronezh region , « three-tier system of health care ,» which implies an increase in the number and volume of services at the outpatient phase , as well as the division of hospital care on the technological principle according to the principles of prevention and standardization, transfer of care from the principle of « negotiability « to the principle of « detection «, the organization of control of quality of care, established urology service of the Voronezh region is ready to run, and the decision of screening programs.
prostate cancer, Voronezh region, modernization of health care system, «Urology» program.
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