The article examines some of the features of service in the Republic of Dagestan. The paper provides a specific statistical evidence of uneven development of the service sector in the region, including a faster growth in the average monthly wage in some areas of the service sector. In particular, there is a relatively lower level of demand for jobs among service workers, workers in housing and utilities, trade and related activities (5.3% of total demand) whereas for those professions there is an above-average wage growth in comparison to the whole economy. Thus, the average monthly wage in the hotel and restaurant sector in January-May 2014 compared to the same period in 2013 was 134.1%, which is almost 23%> higher than the average salary increase for the whole economy. Particular attention is paid to the spatial organization of catering in Makhachkala. As a result of cartographic data placement of objects and their subsequent analysis identified are 6 specific territorial zones of the urban environment in which the great bulk of catering is concentrated. The author assumes the existence of a positive relation between the placement of enterprises and the location of the major higher educational institutions of the city, which indicates the orientation of catering on the student youth as the main consumer of goods and services. The methodological basis of the research is comprised of general scientific methods and particular studies of the phenomenon of «service area». Comparative analysis as a scientific method has allowed revealing the features of the organization of the service area, relative to the other spheres of economic activity. Among other methods actively is used content analysis of Internet resources, involving quantitative calculation of the control units (keywords).
service area, service, catering, consumer
Особенности территориального размещения предприятий сервисного обслуживания отражают меняющуюся конфигурацию размещения пространственно организованного потребителя, готового к потреблению. Особенно показательны в этом отношении предприятия питания «средней руки», способные удовлетворить
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