The problem of creating new qualified, safe and effective native medicine items was considered in this article. This problem was solved by analysis of consumer preferences. Evaluation of selected consumer properties was carried out by the consumers, who evaluated the use-function and the feasibility of creation of rational, efficient and safe dressing for burn treatment. The authors were interviewed 230 consumers in the framework of this approach. Research was conducted by surveying on an especially composed questionnaire. Pharmacist filling of the form carried out by results of interrogation. The results of this research are the following: dressing tool for burn treatment must have such utility properties, namely: providing of wet environment, removing excess exudate, prevention further traumatic wound, protection wounds from contamination and pathogens. Because of they must provide gas exchange. In consequence of the research of consumer preferences a new dressing “Novokomb” was created. It has the above properties. Iodine is used for giving antiseptic properties. Novocain is used for the anesthetic effects. Polyvinylpyrrolidone creates a prolonged action. The dressing protects a wound from contamination, provided gas exchange and prevented trauma wound.
sociological research, burn treatment, consumer preferences.
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