, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 57 Биологические науки
GRNTI 69.09 Биологические ресурсы Мирового океана и внутренних водоемов
OKSO 06.07.01 Биологические науки
BBK 472 Рыбное хозяйство
Russia is now on the 4th place in terms of total actual catch in the world. Despite the fact that the main part of the Russian catch is in the Russian exclusive economic zone (EEZ), many companies have started to look for new fishing areas and targets beyond the waters of national jurisdiction (ABNJ). Our analysis shows that the largest share of fish harvested by Russia outside its EEZ is in NEAFC areas, the North West Pacific area is quite promising as well. Preliminary analysis showed some signs of insufficiently controlled activity of the Russian fleet in the areas of ABNJ. This requires additional efforts to improve the monitoring system, especially in "restricted areas”, marine protected areas (MPAs) and areas of reproduction.
catch of aquatic bioresources, areas beyond the waters of national jurisdiction, ocean fisheries, open and Convention areas, vulnerable marine ecosystems, fisheries monitoring, marine protected areas (MPAs)
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