Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.77 Уголовное право
OKSO 40.06.01 Юриспруденция
BBK 60 Общественные науки в целом
TBK 70 Общественные науки в целом
BISAC LAW026000 Criminal Law / General
The article examines issues of criminal manifestations in the field of oil infrastructure in the Middle East and North. Particular attention is paid to the study of historical and modern methods of crime committing, information concerning hierarchical schemes of criminal groups, the identity of the offender, corruption in government agencies, including customs services, as well as the huge economic loss suffered by a state and the world economy as a whole. Specific examples of law enforcement practice reflect the reasons that make it difficult to impose sanctions on offenders from international legislation and the practical use of preventive measures in the framework of the problems under study. On the basis of modern analytical materials made by foreign researchers, the paper summarizes government measures to counter illegal challenges, and a positive experience and strategies to prevent crime in this area. The final part of the article describes the variety and distinctive area specificity of criminal manifestations, as well as features similar in the method of crime committing and in the objects of encroachment.
fuel and energy complex, oil, oil pipeline, diesel fuel, smuggling, theft, energy security, corruption
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