Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the phenomena of lifestyle and educational environment of confessional educational organizations. The methodological basis of the research is based on general scientific methodological approaches (system, comparative, historical, ontological) and special scientific methodological approaches: a system-activity approach, which assumes a motivated solution of problems in the educational process determined by problem situations; a cultural approach that allows us to correlate general, individual and special cultural phenomena, in particular religion and education; an anthropological approach that allowed the interpretation of knowledge from various spheres of life from the point of view of pedagogy. The article contains definitions of the following concepts: «Lifestyle of a confessional educational organization» and «Educational environment of a confessional educational organization». The role of religious worship in the development and functioning of the confessional educational environment is noted. The main factors of the external environment that have a determining influence on the confessional educational environment are highlighted. The author emphasizes the open nature of the modern confessional educational process, which unfolds in the context of a dialogue between all its parties: the religious denomination, the state and the individual.

religious education, religious educational organization, lifestyle, educational environment, lifestyle of a religious educational organization, religious educational environment of an educational organization

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