Russian Federation
The current period of society social and economic development is characterized by an increasing number of technosphere objects for various functional purpose. The study subject is emergency situations related to fires at Baikal region’s technosphere objects, which types and number have been presented. Based on fire monitoring, and using methods of social and mathematical statistics, in this paper have been presented indicators for fires effect in general, as well as on all basic types of region’s technosphere objects: in amount of fires, di-rect damage, death and injury of people, destroyed buildings. Based on existing methods and data from analytical studies of fires, an assessment of such integral fire risks as fires break-out, buildings destruction, direct material damage, death and injury of people on the basic types of Baikal region’s technosphere objects has been given for the first time. It has been established that the current state of technosphere objects’ fire safety does not meet the regulatory requirements.
technosphere objects, fires effect, integral fire risks
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