Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A study on the spatial distribution of values of industrial frequency (50 Hz) magnetic induction has showed that the largest values were common for dense historical development of Moscow central part, and the minimum ones –for recreational zones and public squares. Increased values have been identified in the areas of mid-rise development of 1950-1960 and reflect incomplete compliance of wiring in houses of this type with loads due to modern household appliances. Many-storeyed houses, both built in 1950s and the modern ones, are more trouble-free in this regard. No exceedances of the operative hygienic standards for magnetic induction have been noted. However, values exceeding the approximate safety level of 400 nT in Moscow are found mainly in places exposed to underground feed cables. The value of magnetic induction can be considered as an indicator of the total man-made load on the territory (geo-indicator), and a convenient object of measurement and display on maps by means of isolines, that is reflected on schematic maps.

electromagnetic fields, magnetic fields, magnetic induction, mapping, Moscow

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