Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The state and seasonal development of coniferous introducers in the arboretum of VGLTU was studied. Increased anthropogenic pressure on the territory of the arboretum, changes the age state of the collection, outbreaks of activity of diseases and pests of woody plants occur. In this regard, it is important to monitor the state of the plants of the collection, which includes measuring the morphometric parameters of plants, establishing the level of variation of characters, studying the seasonal growth and development of introducents. Differences in the occurrence of phenophases in different species are associated with biological characteristics and weather conditions of the year of observation. For forest-steppe zone Picea glehnii (Fr. Schmidt) Mast. begins and ends the growing season later compared to Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel. and Abies holophylla Maxim. Seasonal shoot growth is consistent with breed biology. The regularities of individual phenotypic variability of the vegetative sphere are revealed. The most stable is the variation of characters in Picea glehnii (Fr. Schmidt) Mast. (C.V. = 6.5 - 22%). The variability of characters in Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel. from medium to high level (C.V. = 14.6-21%). At an average - high level, the parameters of Abies holophylla Maxim change. (C.V. = 14-36%). Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel. and Abies holophylla Maxim. are more sensitive to environmental factors in the conditions of the arboretum, this is manifested in an increase in the variation of the signs of the vegetative sphere.

phenological development, seasonal growth, , introduced species, phenotypic variability, arboretum, Voronezh, forest-steppe zone


Дендрарий ВГЛТУ - особо-охраняемая природная территория - ценный в экологическом, научном, культурном и эстетическом отношениях, природный комплекс, созданный в 1951 - 1952 годах, общей площадью 4,0 га. [1]. В его функции входит научная, образовательно-просветительская и рекреационная деятельность. Выполняемые задачи - сохранение биологического разнообразия, разработка стратегии и программы сохранения видов ex situ, организация и проведение научных исследований, экологический мониторинг, научно-просветительская деятельность.


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