employee from 01.01.2009 until now
Ul'yanovsk, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation
In an aviation high educational institution, when getting students education in exploitative specialties it must be taken into account that it must be conducted in accordance with necessary requirements to the formedness level of professional competences in a specialized area. The planned results of “Applied Geometry and Engineering Graphics” learning include knowledge of methods for applied engineering and geometric problems solving, the ability to use the main elements of applied geometry and engineering graphics in professional activities, and solving of specific applied problems related to geometric modeling. The results of “Applied Geometry and Engineering Graphics” study are to gain experience and skills for solution of cognitive, organizational and other problems by themselves related to students’ future professional activities. In this paper are considered the main problems and tasks to be solved to achieve the necessary level for compliance of a student studying in one of the exploitative specialties at the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation B.P. Bugaev, with professional competencies and modern educational standards. Issues related to the organization of “Applied Geometry and Engineering Graphics” discipline study, such as computerization of the educational process, use of distance learning technologies in the educational process, formation of students’ cognitive interest and spatial imagination. Has been presented the proposed structure of “Applied Geometry and Engineering Graphics” course for the exploitative specialties of Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation; the need to develop a task book for classroom and home works, taking into account their applied value for formation of professional competencies, has been justified.
graphic disciplines, distance educational technologies, cognitive interest, spatial imagination, engineering education, professional competences
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