Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. For the treatment of diseases of the temporomandibular joint, occlusal splints are used, in the manufacture of which different methods are used, which have their negative and positive properties. 3D printing technology allows the manufacture of occlusal splints with high precision fit to the dentition and with uniform occlusal contacts with respect to antagonist teeth. The goal is to study errors in the technology of manufacturing occlusal splints for the treatment of patients with diseases of the temporomandibular joint. Methodology. Thirty patients with distal displacement of the heads of the temporomandibular joint in the range of 1-1.5 mm were examined. Patients were diagnosed with Angle Grade 2. The methods used were tele-radiography, 3D computed tomography, and laboratory scanning of jaw models. Results. Errors were revealed in the manufacture of occlusal tires using digital scanning in the EXO-CAD program, various features of adaptation to occlusal tires obtained using 3D printing and cad-cam milling. Findings. 3D printing technology allows the manufacture of occlusal splints with high precision fit to the dentition with uniform occlusal contacts with respect to antagonist teeth. The technology for milling occlusal tires gives an advantage in their strength compared to 3D printing technology. However, the mouthguards made by technology are inferior to mouthguards made on a 3D printer in terms of elasticity of fit to the dentition, which can cause discomfort and pain during the use of milled mouthguards. Occlusal tires made by cold polymerization have lower accuracy of fit to the dentition and require correction when fitting and checking the occlusal relationship of the dentition.

muscular-articular dysfunction, occlusal tires, temporomandibular joint, milling technology, cold polymerization of plastic, 3D printing method, occlusal contacts

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