Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. In some clinical cases maxillary sinus lift is a nessesary surgery preparing for dental implantation in the distal parts of the upper jaw. However, despite the widespread using of this type of surgery in clinical practice, the percentage of postoperative complications leading to the development of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis after sinus-lifting surgery does not decrease from year to year. Among the complications of sinus lifting, the following main ones are distinguished: perforation of the maxillary sinus mucosa and nasal cavity; rejection of a previously installed dental implant; migration of the implant and/or bone material to the maxillary sinus; bleeding; acute maxillary sinusitis. The aim is to conduct a systematic analysis of domestic and foreign literature sources to determine the main factors of development of postoperative odontogenic sinusitis, as well as features of diagnosis and prevention of this complication. Methodology. The review of research allows us to consider the etiology of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis after sinus-lifting surgery and the pathogenesis of the disease, to draw conclusions about possible ways to prevent its development. Results. Odontogenic sinusitis that developed after the sinus-lifting operation is very common in clinical practice, despite the widespread use of this type of bone augmentation and proven methods of surgical intervention. The reason for this can be both anatomical prerequisites and iatrogenic factors, as well as insufficient diagnosis of pathologies of the paranasal sinuses in the preoperative period. Conclusions. The development of postoperative sinusitis can be avoided with careful planning of the operation, necessarily with computer tomography (preferably, cone-beam (dental) computed tomography, which is characterized by a relatively low load for optimal visualization of the maxillofacial tissues). Pathological changes in the sinus cavity and paranasal structures should be eliminated as planned before the sinus-lifting operation.

maxillary sinus lifting, maxillary sinus, odontogenic maxillary sinusitis, dental inplantation, sinus lifting complications

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