Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.85 Криминалистика
Introduction. The article deals with the history of the law enforcement and alteration to certain provisions of the Federal law «On police» from 07.02.2011 № 3-FZ. Goal. The purpose of the work was to evaluate certain provisions of the Federal law «On police» and the Federal law «On operational and investigative activities» from the point of view of operational search activity and on the basis of a comparative legal method of cognition of normative acts regulating the process of law enforcement and operational search activity. To identify the problems of the interaction of these laws. The article presents inconsistencies between the provisions of the Federal law «On police» and the Federal law «On operational and investigative activities». Results. As a result of the work, the author identified and attributed to the number of problematic provisions concerning the right of police officers to conduct operational search activities, the right to enter the homes of citizens, and some others. The author’s suggestions for amendments to the law «On police» are given, and the need for further research aimed at eliminating the identified shortcomings and solving the problems under consideration is determined. The author comes to the conclusion that the timely elimination of the shortcomings of the legal relationship between the Federal law «On police» and the Federal law «On operational and investigative activities» in the context of regulating the activities of operational police units will only increase the efficiency of the organization of operational and investigative activities of the internal affairs bodies.
police, police rights, operational units, operational search activities, operational search inquiries
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