Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the assessment of the competitive environment in the market of medical services (on the example of Krasnodar region) using the main criteria of consumer behaviour, such as the degree of public satisfaction with the level of prices for medical services, the quality and accessibility of health services; identified the main factors affecting consumer choice of medical organization; provided direction to improve the situation on the market of medical services. The purpose of the study is to assess the state of the competitive environment in the medical services market using the main criteria of consumer behavior (for example, in the Krasnodar region). The achievement of the research goal predetermined the formulation and consistent solution of the following interrelated tasks:  analyze the state of the competitive environment in the medical services market of the Krasnodar territory;  determine the factors that influence the consumer's choice of primary care organizations; the level of consumer satisfaction with the availability of primary care organizations, the quality and cost of medical services;  based on the results of the study, assess the state of the competitive environment in the medical services market of the Krasnodar territory. When compiling a review of literature sources on the research topic, the method of content analysis was used. Analytical results of assessing the state of the competitive environment in the medical services market of the Krasnodar territory were obtained using statistical and sociological research methods – a survey and survey of medical services consumers. The results obtained during the research will be useful in the development of strategic documents and initiatives to create a favorable competitive environment in the medical services market of the Krasnodar region.

competition, competitive environment, the market for medical services, primary health care organizations, consumers of medical services, customer satisfaction, quality and availability of medical services

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