, Russian Federation
The process of ubiquitous digitalization inevitably changes the requirements for a modern teacher. For successful professional activities in the digital educational space, the teacher needs knowledge and skills in the field of information and digital technologies. The article substantiates the need for the formation of digital skills of teachers of educational organizations, provides a program and detailed thematic content of the continuing education course “Information and Technological Activities of a Teacher in the Context of Digitalization of Education”. The course aimed at solving the problem of bridging the digital divide in the training of teachers was implemented in the online learning mode. The content of the online course is based on an analysis of the changes taking place in society and Russian education in the context of the forced widespread transfer of education to a distance format and digitalization of the country's economy. The introduction of an online course helps to solve the problem of advanced training and training of new generation personnel, professionals who effectively meet the requirements of a modern digital society and are ready to adapt to the changes taking place in it.
digitalization of education, digital skills, the digital divide, teacher development, online learning, distance learning
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