graduate student
AO “Concern “Okeanpribor” ( Engineer)
The article examines the content of state-level documents related to the need to train highly qualified engineering personnel for modern Russia, on the need for early career guidance at school. The integration of government documents and documents of the Ministry of Education and Science on the organization of extracurricular activities (2011, 2017) in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard, allowed the author of the article to identify and justify the possibility of orienting students to the choice of engineering professions through the organization of extracurricular activities in a primary school. To solve the problem of organizing extracurricular activities focused on students choosing engineering professions, the article proposes a system of authoring work programs for extracurricular activities for a primary school. A systematic approach to the design of integrated work programs (mathematics + physics + engineering) was considered at two stages: the propaedeutic stage (grades 5–7) and the pre-profile stage (grades 8–9). The main difficulty in the implementation of work programs by teachers is the selection and design of engineering tasks. The author of the article has developed three approaches to constructing problems of engineering orientation of mathematical content. The first approach is considered in detail: a contextual (engineering) presentation of a well-known educational task given in a textbook, didactic materials, and other teaching aids. The design and solution of the system of additional tasks to the problem from the geometry textbook for grade 8, where the cross section of the road in the form of an isosceles trapezoid is considered, made it possible to organize a research project for the construction of the highway. The students got acquainted with the types of engineering professions in the construction of the road, learned the incorrectness of some data in the contents of the textbook task and replacing them with possible numerical data in the construction of roads of different types. Creating a holistic image of the studied task situation in the context of engineering, we develop the creative abilities of students that are necessary both in educational and professional engineering activities of any direction.
extracurricular activities, task, engineering task, system of additional tasks, research project
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