Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Methods of training in advanced training groups formed from the staff of personnel divisions of the MIA of Russia, which involve the use of anti-corruption education at different stages of professional activity are discussed in the article. A comprehensive approach to the formation of anti-corruption behavior, which allows using various forms of training of police officers in their relation is described. The effectiveness of this approach in the system of professional development was shown. A comprehensive approach allows the training process to pay attention to the needs and difficulties in the field of corruption prevention without spending time on basic training information. Several stages in the organization and content of training are considered. Each of them corresponds to different stages of professional development of specialists of personnel divisions of internal affairs bodies. Described in detail every stage is aimed at a separate audience and has its own value. The possibilities of anti-corruption education are presented, starting with the selection of personnel for service in the internal affairs bodies and ending with the preparation for dismissal. The anti-corruption educational activities carried out at the present time are analyzed. Methods of intensifying each of them and the possibilities of optimal inclusion in the developed complex of content and forms are determined. The proposed approach can be used for majority posts. It is not limited to human resources units. In addition, the developed methodological material can be used by students in the course of their professional activities in the field after studying at advanced training courses.

intensification of training, advanced training, the formation of anti-corruption behavior, personnel departments, educational material, educational organizations, students

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