Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Some scientists present the problem of physiology and medicine which are connected with new understanding of standard definition. The main goal of the article is connected with proving of standard absent in medicine according to stochastic and deterministic definition. Object and methods. One group of young woman was researching by cardio-vascular systems parameter (cardiointervals). It was registrated 15-th series of experiments any every series consists 15 number of cardiointervals samples (every sample consists 300 cardiointervals). So we calculate the special matrix for every series for it we calculate the number k of pair which has common general distribution. Results. All 225 such matrix present the number of such k (k≤20% for every matrix) it means that all samples are unique. Conclusion. It every sample is unique we cannot present the standard state of the cardio-respiratory system of the man. We have chaotic number of samples with unique it distribution function. The chaotic behavior we have for spectral density of it signals and for autocorrelation. So we need new methods for functional systems investigation which are not based on deterministic or stochastic sciences. We need new understanding of standard based on new science.

stochastic, chaos, standard, Eskov-Zinchenko effect.

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