, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
From 2010 to 2018 the level of hospitalization in surgical beds in round-the-clock hospitals decreased (by 19.9%), while in the daily hospitals of medical organizations providing inpatient care increased (by 36.4%). At the same time, the level of hospitalization in daily stay hospitals of medical organizations providing outpatient care in 2014 - 2108 virtually unchanged (0.2% increase). Thus, it is possible to conclude, that the hospital-replacing function has realized in the country and there has been a redistribution of the volume of surgical care from round-the-clock hospital beds to daily stay hospital beds, however, the bed fund of both round-the-clock and daily stay is characterized by extreme disproportionality in different regions of the Russian Federation, what may indicate an imbalance in structural and functional transformations that should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of each particular region.
surgery, hospital bed, bed fund, reduction of hospital bed fund, surgical bed, provision of hospital beds, average length of stay in a hospital bed, average occupancy of a hospital bed per year, daily stay hospital.
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