Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the problem of socialization of elementary school students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorders. The author - a practicing teacher - shares his experience of educating the first-graders’ teaching team, which includes a child with developmental features: a mild form of autism. The specifics of the formation of a small child-adult community in a low-occupancy class of a private school are revealed. The pedagogical principles of work on the socialization of children with special educational needs are described, its methods and techniques are described. The article may be useful for teachers who are involved in the socialization of children in an inclusive education, as well as for psychologists and parents.

children with special needs; autism spectrum disorders; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; inclusive education; first graders; conditions of socialization; principles of forming a child-adult community; methods and techniques for raising a team of children with special educational needs; “The general circle”; theatrical performances

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