Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to issues related to the development of the concept of «e-Government» («e-government») and the concept of e-government as a new approach to public administration. The article analyses the definitions of the concept of «e-Government», which are presented in foreign and domestic literature. all the studied definitions helped to share the concept of e-government in a narrow and broad sense. In the narrow sense, e-government is the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of public authorities or means of communication. In a broad sense, this is a process aimed at changing interactions in the public administration system, the purpose of which is to improve themanagement system, improve the quality of public services and ensure the constitutional rights of citizens. The article defines the main prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of electronic government, presents the principles and directions of its development: (e-Administration) electronic administration, (e-Citizens) electronic interaction with citizens and the provision of services to the public (e-Services), (e-Society) development information society. The e-government development directions have helped to identify their advantages and disadvantages. The article reveals the regulatory framework and development strategies in the Russian Federation of e-government, digital democracy and the information society. The article analyzes the UN comprehensive indicators characterizing the level of development of e-government, digital democracy and the information society in the countries of the world and the place there of the Russian Federation.

concept of e-government, e-government, information and communications technology, information technology, information society, public administration, e-democracy

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