Baku, Azerbaijan
Ecotourism is an important sector of tourism. The present article introduces a classification of its material and non-material objects. They are natural, anthropogenic, and fossil-anthropogenic monuments, which serve as information transmitters, and thereby play a significant role for local history. Objects of ecotourism are unique, attractive, and aesthetically appealing sights and samples of cultural heritage that stimulate ecotourism and the sustainable development of the region. The paradigm of ecotourism is modern, promising, profitable, and environmentally friendly. It presupposes a thorough in-depth study of its objects, as well as their development and classification. Azerbaijan boasts a considerable variety of physical and geographical conditions. This territory possesses both natural resources and the cultural heritage. Therefore, the country demonstrates a huge long-term potential for ecotourism.
monument, natural monument, anthropogenic monument, taxonomy monument, chorological monument, archaeological monument, architectural monument
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