Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The education and spiritual development of a person, his ability to realize and analyze his actions, value himself and other people depends on the teacher. All this is the basis of sustainable development of society. This study involves the development and description of a teacher training program for the implementation of the program on spiritual and moral education and development of students. The program is focused on the formation of teachers' competencies in designing activities for spiritual and moral education of students. Training involves mastering school teachers by monitoring in the field of spiritual and moral education of students. The article presents the contents of the teacher training program on the topic: “Parenting on socio-cultural experience: theoretical and practical aspects of the work of primary school teachers in the process of implementing the “Origins” program. In the process of implementing the continuing education program, the concept of spiritual and moral education of students, which is the basis of the socio-cultural educational program “Origins”, was revealed. Teachers were offered methodological tools for organizing individual and group work with children in the process of implementing the “Origins” training course.

multicultural education, moral consciousness, values, traditions

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