, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article explores the criterion approaches that make it possible to identify municipalities as single towns and compares the categories of single-sector municipalities (single towns) depending on the magnitude of the risks of their socio-economic situation, employment and unemployment in the labour markets of single towns. The work used foreign and Russian studies on problems of state regulation of single towns, analyzed the experience of developed countries. Methodological tools of research: methods of analysis of statistical sources, logical justification, forecasting. According to the study, the largest concentration of single towns over a three-year period corresponds to two groups: monoprophilic municipal entities of the Russian Federation (monocities), with observed risks of deterioration of socio-economic situation and monoprophilic municipal entities of the Russian Federation (monocities) with crisis socioeconomic situation. The article presents conceptual approaches to regulation of social and economic development of single towns of the Russian Federation, which allowed to highlight three main approaches to development of single towns in the Russian Federation (inertial, scenario of rehabilitation of the cityforming enterprise and scenario of its closure). As a result of the presented forecast information — all categories of single towns show a decreasing trend in the number of employed population. However, most of all, this trend affected the category of cities with stable socio-economic situation, which indicates not only the deterioration of the situation in these territorial entities, but also the general negative trend of development at the level of the national economy. Practical results of the study can be used in developing assumptions to regional authorities to reduce unsustainable employment in single towns
monocities, state regulation, regional development, foreign experience, unemployment, jobs
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