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Abstract (English):
Contemporary changes in all spheres of life in Russian society mark a number of complex and multifaceted problems that need to be urgently addressed. One of such problems is prevention and correction of deviant behavior of teenagers. Practice shows that the level of training of higher school graduates studying in the field of «pedagogical education», as well as working teachers, is insufficient for the effective organization of educational work with this category of students, since most of the surveyed teachers do not have the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of deviantology and do not have sufficient practical skills. In order to improve professional competence, authors of this article organized and conducted a special course on «Correctional and pedagogical support for juvenile deviant behavior». The main objectives of course is provide students with in-depth knowledge of special and correctional pedagogy, deviantology, legal psychology, development of professional competencies, which determine some aspect of teachers readiness to work with this category of students. The growth of indicators of information, methodical and communicative competence of students was identified as a result of diagnostics. This indicates the effectiveness of the special course program developed by the authors and of the work carried out as a whole. Described practical experience and the exemplary program of the special course can be used in the educational process of pedagogical educational organizations, professional development and retraining of pedagogical staff, in the development of educational and methodical documents and recommendations for students, for teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines.

minors of deviant behavior, deviant behavior, correctional, preventive work, professional competencies, competence
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