employee from 01.01.1999 until now
The object of the study is the identity with the city among regional youth. Subject: psychological aspects of youth identity in different ethnic groups. Purpose: to determine the psychological basis for identification with the city of residence among young people, as well as the structure of identity with the city in its various ethnic groups. A modified identification scale with the city developed by M. Lalli was the methodological toolkit. For statistical data processing, the Friedman analysis of variance by Chi-square criterion was used. The results of the work contribute to the search for the psychological foundations of the rooting of young people in their cities in order to minimize the internal migration of the able-bodied young urban population, set their development and prosperity, and implement their personal and professional plans.
identity, "Identity with the city", "Urban identity", "City identity", "Scale of identification with the city of M. Lalli", ethnos, young people
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