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Abstract (English):
The outcomes of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) were analyzed in 55 patients who were under the supervision of a physician – infectious within one year after the disease. This issue has been studied in more detail by the example of Hantaan virus infection in the Far East, the effects of Puumala infection aren’t well understood, vigilance among physicians concerning the formation of chronic kidney disease in patients is lacking. However, it is proved that the peculiarities of the clinical course of HFRS are caused by a specific serotype of the virus. It is revealed that the leading clinical manifestation in patients in early reconvalescence period of HFRS was astheno vegetative syndrome. Long-term prognosis of patients with HFRS, isn’t always favorable, it may be associated with prolonged disorders of the kidneys. Renal pathology includes lumbar – pain, eyelid swelling, dysuric phenomena, polyuria, nycturia, proteinuria, hematuria, cylindruria, reposotory. It is established that the disease is accompanied by a prolonged dysfunction of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, hepato-biliary system, this suggests the possibility of development of chronic pathology of different organs and the need for surveillance of HFRS patients, not only the infectious, but the nephrologist, cardiologist, neurologist.

hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, convalescents, residual phenomena, kidney pathology, long-term prognosis.

 Введение. Геморрагическая лихорадка с почечным синдромом (ГЛПС) – острая вирусная природно-очаговая инфекция, в основе патогенеза которой лежат вирусное поражение сосудов микроциркуляторного русла и иммунопатологические механизмы. 


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