Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The research of influence risk factors is conducted on secondary dentition of the children's population of the region. The share contribution is established habitat factors in an indicator of a tooth maturity of children. Purpose — studying influences of risk factors on secondary dentition of children in Vladivostok. Methodology. Dental maturity was assessed by the eruption time of permanent teeth and their number. Factors of pregnancy and childbirth, early childhood, medical and biological factors, social and hygienic factors characterizing living conditions, as well as hygienic-regulated factors of lifestyle by means of questionnaires of parents (guardians) of children have been studied. The hygienic assessment of the actual food was carried out by means of determination of average amount of the studied food ingredients of diets of children preschool age according to the menu apportions and specially developed questionnaires, children younger school age – by questioning of parents (trustees) of children. Results. It was revealed that the central incisors were the first in children of both sexes on the lower jaw, and the first molars on the upper jaw. Girls had earlier eruption through permanent teeth. Potential risk factors of disturbance of eruption are established second teeth of children of preschool and younger school age. Are revealed imbalance of food of children, non-performance of the recommended volume physical activity and duration of walks, discrepancy of duration day dream to hygienic recommendations and continuous work on the computer, tablet, notebook. Dependences between studied potential are defined risk factors and tooth maturity of children. Identification causal is carried out investigative bonds in the system of factors of the habitat and eruption of constants teeth of children. It is established that the maximum influence on an indicator of a tooth maturity render: nutrient structure of food allowances of the child, food of women in time pregnancies, the hygienic normalized factors of a way of life of children. Conclusions. Share contribution of each of factors to forming of a tooth maturity of a children's organism allowed to prove and develop a complex of actions for prevention scientifically disturbances of health among the children's population of the region.

children, eruption, second teeth, risk factors, the environment, region, preventive actions

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