Russian Federation
Value management is a management paradigm, the central component of which is corporate values as an organization development resource. The article examines the process of personnel assessment based on corporate values used in real management practice. The role of corporate values, as well as technology and personnel assessment procedures in the implementation of the value management process is substantiated. The role and place of OKB “GIDROPRESS” JSC in the State Corporation “Rosatom” as the leading organization actively participating in the implementation of its many key projects is shown. The company’s strategic guidelines require the implementation of the fundamental principle of its activities — compliance with the values: “Efficiency”, “One step ahead”, “Safety”, “Responsibility for the result”, “Respect”, “Unified team”, each value having a specific definition and characterizing behavioral indicators. The annual evaluation of specialists based on corporate values is one of the tools that ensure the transfer of the Company’s strategy from the long-term development program of the enterprise to the level of Effective management. A detailed description of the goals and content of the types of personnel evaluations that exist in the organization is presented: certification, professional status, key performance indicators, professional and technical knowledge and skills, assessment of corporate values. Together, they constitute the final assessment of performance, and the weight of the assessment of corporate values is large enough. The article describes in detail the methodological aspects of this assessment, including the timing, procedure, participants, tools, content of activities for the development of corporate values. Based on the analysis of the case study, it is shown how values are embedded in the company’s business valuation system, and factors that can be successfully managed based on corporate values through personnel assessment technologies are identified.
values management, corporate values, personnel evaluation, behavioral indicators, individual development plan
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