, Russian Federation
UDK 15 Психология
GRNTI 15.01 Общие вопросы психологии
The article discusses the problem of the methodology and content of the training for developing the skills of confident behavior of employees of internal affairs bodies. The urgency of the problem is associated with the need for intensive socio-psychological training of police officers in terms of organizing and maintaining trusting relationships between the population and police structures. Confidentbehavior of a police officer is considered as a factor of professional effectiveness in solving problems related to the impact on the legal consciousness and behavior of citizens. The necessity of developing skills of confident behavior at the stage of his professional training in specially organized conditions of intensive group interaction - training in developing skills of confident behavior is emphasized. An analysis of approaches to understanding the phenomena of self-confidence and confident behavior in connection with the effectiveness of the police officer in social interaction allows us to determine the strategic directions of socio-psychological training. Special organizational regulations and substantive content of the training for developing confident behavior skills are proposed. The purpose, objectives, principles, methods of the training in accordance with the profiles of the training of graduates of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are determined. The importance of the harmonious combination of active learning methods with theoretical training and diagnostic procedures as a factor that positively affects the process of self-knowledge and self-development is emphasized.
social effectiveness of the police, impact, confidence, confident behavior, training, sociopsychological methods, training of employees of internal affairs bodies
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