Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the issue of improving the educational process through the use of computer technology. Attention is paid to the optimization of the educational process, the most important components of the learning process are analyzed, such as independent work, methodological support and management of students’ independent work; quality control assimilation of the studied material. Various tasks can be solved using the Microsoft Excel program, while the authors propose to perform calculations using application packages of mathematical programs, which is more preferable. In this case, computation time is saved, a graphical solution is easily presented, and it is also possible to carry out calculations using various methods and with different calculation parameters, comparing them with each other. The authors emphasize the importance of organizing self-fulfilling assignments by students. It is proposed to use knowledge testing not only as an element of control, but also as a management of the learning process. Examples of the organization and results of testing are given, the positive impact of testing on the educational process, which allows for preliminary, current, thematic and final control of knowledge, is substantiated.

quality of education, independent work, mathematics, computer technology, testing
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