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Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to a theoretical research of maintenance of the concepts «investigated case», «criminal case», «criminal prosecution» and «termination of criminal case» used in criminal prejudicial proceedings of Russia and Mongolia. The term «inquiry case» was introduced by the Mongolian legislator and entered criminal proceedings in 2017 with the entry into force of Mongolia’s new Code of Criminal Procedure. In the science of the criminal process of Mongolia, the term «investigated case» was not investigated, the content of the concept of «investigated case» was not disclosed by scientists procedural. In the criminal procedure legislation of Russia and Mongolia the maintenance of the concepts «investigated case», «criminal case», «criminal prosecution» and «termination of criminal case» has no standard fixing. These concepts are not basic concepts of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Russia and Mongolia, do not have an official judicial and departmental explanation. The concepts of «criminal case» and «termination of criminal case» were the subject of scientific research in Russia and Mongolia. The content of the above-mentioned concepts has different scientific interpretations, is debatable and prevents a uniform understanding of their essence in the theory and practice of criminal proceedings. On the basis of formal and logical, historical, comparative methods of a legal research authors allocate theoretical approaches to explanation of essence of maintenance of the concepts «investigated case», «criminal case», «criminal prosecution» and «termination of criminal case» of Russia and Mongolia. In particular, the content of the concepts of «investigation» and «criminal case» by the authors is considered on two sides: (a) as criminal procedure activities to establish the event of a crime and bring the perpetrator to criminal responsibility; (b) as a set of procedural documents certifying the progress and results of the criminal procedure activities of the preliminary investigation bodies, the prosecutor and the court. The concept of «termination of a criminal case» by the authors is considered on three sides: 1) as part of the branch of criminal procedure law (criminal procedure institute); 2) as a stage of activity of preliminary investigation bodies, prosecutor and court on termination of criminal case at the stage of preliminary investigation; 3) as a final procedural decision in a criminal case in pre-trial proceedings. Author’s formulation of maintenance of the concepts «investigated case», «criminal case», «criminal prosecution» and «termination of criminal case» became result of the conducted research, their legal status as basic concepts of the Code of Criminal Procedure is reasonable. A proposal has been made to entrench the concepts of «criminal case» and «termination of criminal case» in article 5 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. It is offered to include the concepts «investigated case», «criminal case», «criminal prosecution» and «termination of criminal case» in number of the basic concepts of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Mongolia and also to enter into the Code of Criminal Procedure of Mongolia the rules of law establishing the bases and an order of the termination of criminal prosecution of the preliminary investigation accused by production.

Russia, Mongolia, preliminary investigation, concepts «investigated case», «criminal case», «criminal prosecution», «termination of criminal case»
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