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Abstract (English):
The IS-MST radar, as the name implies, combines two different methods for studying the atmosphere using a backscatter signal. Turbulent fluctuations of the medium cause scattering in the mesosphere—stratosphere—troposphere (MST). In the upper atmosphere, incoherent scatter (IS) appears in ionospheric plasma. Special-purpose instruments have been built before such that measurements in one of these modes were the most effective. MST radars were utilized for studying wave activity in the lower and middle atmosphere; the IS radar, for ionospheric research. Nowadays, however, for a comprehensive investigation of atmospheric phenomena, it is necessary to have an idea of processes in all atmospheric layers and near-Earth space. The radar, which combines capabilities of IS and MST measurements, will be able to cover layers from the troposphere to the plasmosphere and to study processes of energy transfer from the lower and middle atmosphere to the ionosphere as well as the interaction of the magnetosphere with the upper atmosphere. Apart from atmospheric research, the radar will allow us to track spacecraft and space debris, determining precise coordinate characteristics. The antenna system is also suitable for radio astronomical observations. In the paper, we provide justification for the 154–162 MHz frequency range and discuss technical solutions of the IS-MST radar project and basic operating modes. In addition, we estimate radar diagnostic capabilities for different types of measurements.

IS-MST radar, National Heliogeophysical Complex, incoherent scatter, mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere radar, ionosphere, atmosphere
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