Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The subject of the research is the process of organizing and implementing the design and technological training of university students in the course of studying educational modules in a professionally-oriented educational space created on the basis of social partnership between the university and the enterprise-customer of trained personnel. The object of research is the technology of project-based training of students in the design of assemblies, parts and technological processes for their manufacture, implemented in a professionally-oriented educational space. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as options for organizing a professionally-oriented educational space in the framework of social partnership through the use of real-life projects and simulation modeling of a specialist’s professional activity in students ’project activities. The authors consider a phased methodology for the implementation of project-based learning technology during the technological preparation of students, focused on the formation of professional competencies and labor functions of professional standards. The results of a pedagogical experiment on the formation of technological competencies during the implementation of project training in a professionally-oriented educational space are presented. The main research methods: theoretical analysis of the experience of organizing project training, the synthesis of didactic tools and teaching methods, a comparative pedagogical experiment. The main conclusions of the study are to justify the high pedagogical eff ectiveness of organized project training in a professionally-oriented educational space created on the basis of a social partnership between a university and an enterprise. The scientifi c novelty of the study lies in the application of technology for project training in the conditions of quasi-professional activity when students perform real projects. A special contribution of the authors to the study is the development of a model for the joint implementation of project-based learning technology in preparing students for a professionally-oriented educational environment.

educational space, project training technology, project method, real projects, professional competencies, labor functions, technological project, base enterprise, organization of educational work, experimental approbation

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