The article considers the problem of organizing the educational process in the university from the perspective of modern ideas about the strategic approach. The purpose of the article is to present for discussion the issues of classifi cation of strategies, their practical implementation on the example of development of leadership potential of the future master’s degree teacher at the university. The content of the article shows diff erent views on the origin and translation of the strategic approach into real sociocultural practices, including pedagogical ones, which allows to rethink the general guidelines of personality formation, to make changes in its life and professional plans, to determine the way of self-development by pedagogical means. The types and characteristics of selected strategies are presented. The pedagogical strategy means a deliberately designed set of pedagogical actions, selection of means of adequate pedagogical purpose, implemented sequentially and gradually by means of qualitative selection of pedagogical support
strategy, strategic approach, strategic conditions, types of strategies, training, leadership potential, master teacher
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