Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Geometric models are considered that allow symbolic representation of imaginary points on a real Cartesian coordinate plane XY. The models are based on the fact that through every pair of imaginary conjugate points A~B with complex coordinates x = a ± jb, y = c ± jd one unique real line m passes. For the image of imaginary points, it is proposed to use the graphic symbol m{OL} consisting of the line m passing through the imaginary points, the center O of the elliptic involution σ with imaginary double points A~B on the line m, and the Laguerre point L, from which the corresponding points involutions σ are projected by an orthogonal pencil of lines. According to A.G. Hirsch, the symbol m{OL} is called the marker of imaginary conjugate points A~B. A theorem is proved that establishes a one-to-one correspondence between the real Cartesian coordinates of the points O, L of the marker, and the complex Cartesian coordinates of the pair of imaginary conjugate points represented by this marker. The proved theorem allows us to solve both the direct problem (the construction of a marker depicting these imaginary points) and the inverse problem (the determination of the Cartesian coordinates of imaginary points represented by the marker). A graphical algorithm for constructing a circle passing through a real point and through a pair of imaginary conjugate points is proposed. An example of the graph-analytical determination of the Cartesian coordinates of imaginary points of intersection of two conics that have no common real points is considered.

complex Cartesian coordinates, elliptic involution, polarity, orthogonal circles, bunch of circles, circumference zero radius

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