Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the low-consumption turbines as reliable, productive, small-sized actuating mechanisms in various units and machines. Experience in production and use of low-cost turbine stages contributes to improving the efficiency along with simplifying and re-ducing the cost of manufacturing of the blades and the stage in general. Improving the efficiency of low-consumption turbines requires solving the problem of aerodynamic improvement of the flow part and the calculated determination of the optimal geometry and operating modes of the impeller flow. One of the innovative ways to improve the design efficiency of low-consumption turbines is the automation of the development process using modern modeling systems based on the developed software systems. Due to the small size of the design, the design calculations of turbine stages of this type have been made in a one-dimensional formulation with the involvement of various analogies with classical stages. Using three-dimensional gas dynamic calculations based on the ANSYS CFX platform will significantly improve the quality of design of flow parts of low-flow turbines. Implementation of three-dimensional gas-dynamic calculation of the nozzle unit using the software package ANSYS CFX low-consumption turbine stage can solve this problem. The geometric model is built using AutoCAD software, the grid is selected, the boundary conditions are set. The values of the experimental coefficients of the nozzle velocity, neck velocity and the tangential component of velocity at the nozzle outlet have been compared with the coefficients obtained when using the software package. There have been built the velocity fields and made conclusions about feasibility of using the ANSYS CFX software package to determine the main parameters of a three-dimensional flow of the turbine stage.

low-consumption turbines, marine power engineering, geometric model, numerical experiment, computational mesh
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