Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Biosensors are promising analytical tools applicable in clinical diagnostics, food industry, environmental monitoring, and other areas in which rapid and reliable analyses are needed. This review covers the basic types of biosensors and their designs and general operating principles. A classification of biosensors according to the type of transducer they involve and according to the nature of the biological entity used as the recognition element is presented. Methods of immobilization of biological components, namely, adsorption, microencapsulation, inclusion, cross-linking, and covalent binding are briefly characterized. The main areas of application of biosensors in the food industry—food safety and quality assessment, process monitoring, and others—are considered.

biosensor, transducer, immobilization, foods


The issue of food safety and quality is becoming increasingly challenging. This is due to the fact that hazardous foods that can contain toxic substances, including those of anthropogenic origin, appear on the market. Environmental pollution caused by sewage from industrial and agricultural enterprises, which contains residual pesticides, fertilizers, growth stimulants, and other harmful substances, leads to accumulation of toxicants in fish, meat, and dairy foods. In addition, in the 1980s some countries began extensive studies in the design of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) intended for the production of foods, animal feeds, and pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations. This highlights the need for extensive supervision aimed at revealing the strains that were created in violation of safety principles and at checking whether a product obtained using a GMO is identical to its natural prototype.

In view of the aforesaid, increasing attention is being focused on development of sufficiently sensitive and selective express analysis methods. Prominent examples of analytical systems combining all of the above merits are biosensors [1–4].


Biosensors are analytical devices that employ sensitive biological materials to "recognize" certain molecules and provide information on their presence and amount as a signal convenient for recording and processing [4–10].

Any biosensor consists of the following three basic components: recognition element, which is a biose-lective membrane involving various biological structures; physical transducer; electronic system for signal amplification and recording and for user-friendly data representation [4, 7–17]. Figure 1 presents a general scheme of a biosensor.


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